Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hamacon Minicon Winter 2012

Hamacon is an anime convention in my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama. Myself, and most of my friends have staffed it before, and I'm always proud to be a part of it.
I wanted to take more photos, but I had just driven down from Nashville, was running an hour late, and was generally not feeling well that day, so I remained posted up at my booth for most of the convention.

However, Hamacon Minicon 2012 remains one of the most fun conventions I've ever had the pleasure of selling at. Hamacon is big enough to be really entertaining, but still small enough to keep the feeling of a community where you can be friends with anyone.

Like I mentioned in my previous post on Anime Weekend Atlanta: I haven't had much merch at my tables this year, because I'm working on bringing all new merch to Painkiller Studios, and I'm trying to clear out what I've had in storage.
The exception to this being posters, tshirts (which are new) and stickers (which are also new and will be coming to the shop soon.)

My bestie-boo (and assistant for the day) Lauren.

I paid off a debt to her with Painkiller Studios jewelry!

Pretty girl modeling Painkiller.

This dear deer was lovely company all day! :)
(And she wins extra brownie points for helping me take everything out to my car after I packed up. Which included getting lost in the convention center.)
If you're reading this, I'm sorry I've forgotten your name. D: But as soon as I can get to my guestbook, I'll find it. :3

She also bought a shirt and necklaces from us. :3


(These photos were taken after most of the other sellers had left, and that's why everything looks so bare.)

Have y'all ever been to Hamacon or any or any Hamaminicons?


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