Friday, January 4, 2013

Anime Weekend Atlanta

HOKAY... so... I've procrastinated as much as I possibly can, and nitpicked over everything else.
Now that I've decided on a Blogger layout that I don't hate (and totally given up on Wordpress, until I learn HTML) there's nothing else standing in the way of me getting done as much stuff as I can before school starts again.

I've been debating on whether or not to post all the photos from Anime Weekend Atlanta, but I figured I'd go ahead and do it and get it out of the way.

I've started two side projects in Huntsville and Nashville... but more on those later.

I'm also trying to get out of the habit of micromanaging all three of these projects, and instead, delegate tasks to employees willing to work for art and merchandise. :)

Lastly, THANK GOD I GOT A SMARTPHONE FOR CHRISTMAS. Maybe now it will be easier for me to send quick updates to Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr without having to find a computer and log in each time I want to update something. :D

I'll address my Nashville/Huntsville surprise in another post. For now, Anime Weekend Atlanta pictures. :)
(Apologies ahead of time, because some of them are blurry.)

I didn't have too much at my booth because all year I've been working on completely new merchandise. At all my shows this year, I've been focusing on just clearing out all my old merch. (With the exception of posters and stickers.)

Tshirts designed and screen printed by yours truly.

Character portrait prints.

A wee little screen printed banner. It'll do for now. :3

He was only halfway interested to be there, as he watches absolutely zero anime.
(I'll take partial blame, seeing as how I've never introduced him to anything he'd like yet.)
(Though, I've started watching Monster, and I think he'd like it.)

Danny's favourite thing to do when he gets his hands on a camera is to try and make the stupidest/ugliest/scariest faces he can. Sometimes he succeeds excellently at this. :( 

Invisible punch!!!

Me attempting to copy Danny.

Look at the little heart taillights! :D

Traffic was stupid crowded, because they were doing construction for like, 4 miles of the interstate.

So I took lots of self-portraits to kill the time. :P

This was the BEST hotel I've ever stayed at. Totally worth the money. The staff treated us wonderfully, and everything was super clean.

Look! I never knew these opened up like this! :D
I wanted to watch the repairman work, but Danny and I were in desperate need of coffee.

Before coffee.

After coffee! :D

<3 Jimmy!

Danny, being an angry cat.

My gorgeous booth babes! :D

Here at Painkiller Studios, we only employ cute cats.

I don't have a clue what they were looking at.


... o.o

Absolutely delicious. Green tea KitKat.
(I was disappointed to find that they only kind in the dealer's room was a jumbo bag, instead of smaller packs. I don't really eat many sweets, and I didn't want to spend $11 on one bag.)

Our booth-neighbour's cute PayPal sign. :3 

I found a pretty leaf that looked like a butterfly.
(And this is how unglamourous the artist alley is behind the scenes. Behind our booths, it's always a mess.)

THIS CUTE COUPLE. They were like the quintessential poster children for Painkiller Studios. I wanted to talk to them, but by the time I could get away from my table, they were gone. :(

Primpin' in teh mirror.

Cheezin' for teh camera.

Danny was taking this picture before we got in the car, and an otaku came up and snapped a picture. I don't mind, because it's not really creepy to either have your picture taken by strangers, or to take pictures of strangers (see above. <3) at anime conventions. I just wonder if he thought I was cosplaying, or if he thought that Danny was a random stranger too, or what.

My outfit of the day.

Danny's outfit of the day. :P

(This is one of my mental snapshots that always comes to mind when I think of AWA.)

We were so hungry. We were so excited to eat this food, that we were halfway through with it, before I even thought to take a picture.

Wet and rainy. All weekend. :(

Wet and rainy AND traffic was terrible.

Finally, on the last leg of our trip, heading back to Nashville, the sky began to clear. :)

All in all, a lovely vacation. Moreso for me, than Danny, maybe, but once I get him into watching anime, he'll want to go with me to all my 2013 conventions. :P

Do y'all have any anime suggestions for someone who has never watched it before?


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